In this section
Financial Support & Assistance
The CSU-LSAMP Program at Cal Poly offers direct financial support for specific opportunities upon acceptance and approval of a qualifying CSU-LSAMP student's Request for Funding application.
What Financial Support Does CSU-LSAMP Provide?
- National or International Conferences (presenting or non-presenting)
- International STEM Education Activities (including study-aboard with documented research/project-based component)
- Research Activities & Programs
- Graduate School Visits
LSAMP is approved to support virtual conference registration fees:
- Virtual National or International Conferences (presenting or non-presenting)
Additional support for pursuing Interests in Graduate Education
in STEM Disciplines via reimbursement for:
- Graduate School Application Fees
- Transcript Request Fees
- Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) Fees or similar testing
- Sending GRE scores to potential graduate schools
Other support:
- Pell-eligible STEM Course Material Reimbursement:
Pell-eligible students are eligible for up to $100/quarter for
STEM textbooks, educational supply purchases, &/or course equipment
(materials purchased must be returned to the LSAMP library at the end of the quarter).

Request LSAMP Funding
Current LSAMP students with an application on file may request direct financial support for any of the educational activities listed above via the LSAMP Funding Request form.
Related Content
CSU-LSAMP at Cal Poly is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. HRD-1826490 and the CSU Chancellor's Office, and coordinated by the Center for Engineering, Science, and Mathematics Education (CESAME) at Cal Poly, SLO. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.